Financial and Retirement Planning
West End Advisors' Financial Plans provide clients with a roadmap for meeting their lifetime financial goals. A plan helps clients answer questions such as:
- What should we do to ensure that our assets outlive us?
- Will we be able to pay for all of our children's college expenses?
- Is a potential investment too risky for us?
- How can we maintain our current lifestyle throughout retirement?
- Can I afford to start a new career at 55?
- Will we be able to travel around the world when we retire?
WEA begins the financial planning process by learning a client's unique financial situation, risk tolerance, and financial goals. With this information and other economic data we then create financial projections for several scenarios. Our projections model uses sophisticated statistical simulation methods, to properly capture the inherent variability in future economic conditions and investment returns. A completed Financial Plan provides clients with:
- Plausible financial and lifestyle goals for several scenarios
- A risk policy for investments
- An investment allocation strategy, based on WEA's core investment principals, including a periodic re-balancing plan
- Recommended investment contribution/redemption rates
- A tax strategy
- An insurance policy review
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